Don’t Let Mould Take over AFTER Monsoon Season

Protect Your Facility and Occupants with Clean-Air's Proactive Approach.

The relentless rain and high humidity of the monsoon season has created the perfect breeding ground for mould outbreaks in buildings. This isn't just an aesthetic issue - mould can have a serious impact on the health of your occupants, triggering respiratory problems, allergies, and even asthma.

TOP RIGHT The Australian Monsoon: part of the usual evolution of the seasons in northern Australia. Active phases of the monsoon bring heavy rainfall to northern Australia. The monsoon can be in either an "active" or an "inactive" phase. The active phase is usually associated with broad areas of cloud and rain, with sustained moderate to fresh northwesterly winds on the north side of the trough. Credit / BOM, Bureau of Meteorology.

LEFT,  Water damaged buildings provide ideal conditions for the growth of mould and other microbes that thrive in moist environments. Credit / Shutterstock

BOTTOM RIGHT,  Mould samples growing in Petri Dish: Knowing which type of mould or bacteria is present can help determine a risk assessment and remedation. Credit / Shutterstock

Is your Facility at risk? Clean-Air Offers a Smarter Solution

Many facilities lack proper Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) testing (AQT) and preventative maintenance, leaving them vulnerable to mould growth. This could be a sign that your building needs a comprehensive IAQ program.

Instead of relying on reactive measures after a mould outbreak occurs, Clean-Air provides proactive solutions.


Our Expertise includes:

  • Backed by leading organisations like CSIRO [1], AIRAH [2], and government health warnings [3], we offer a proven approach to IAQ management.
  • We align with international best practices established by European, UK, and American health associations [4].
  • We adhere to the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) recommendations for healthy workplaces [5].


Our Preventative Maintenance Program Includes:

  • Scheduled AQT: Regularly testing your indoor air quality helps identify potential mould problems before they escalate.
  • Managed IAQ Hygiene Services: Our comprehensive services ensure optimal ventilation, dehumidification, and other factors that prevent mould growth.
  • Expert Consultation: Our IAQ specialists will work with you to develop a customised plan for your facility's unique needs.


Benefits of a Proactive Approach

  • Reduced health risks for your occupants and improved employee well-being.
  • Lower long-term costs by preventing expensive mould remediation projects.
  • Increased productivity due to a healthier work environment.
  • Improved building performance with optimised ventilation and efficient energy use.

Don't wait for a mould outbreak to take action! Contact Clean-Air today for a free consultation and learn how our preventative IAQ program can keep your building healthy and your occupants safe.


Boost operational efficiency and Gain real-time insights into potential IAQ maintenance issues before they escalate and optimise resource allocation.

Let us help you develop a customised AQT and IAQ hygiene program to keep your facility mould-free and your occupants healthy year-round.

Call us 0732742833 or visit our homepage to learn more.


[1] Unfriendly fungi: Dealing with a mouldy house: CSIRO:

[2] AIRAH Streamline: DA07 Moisture Control Guidelines: YouTube:

[3] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: (Search for "mould health risks")

[4] World Health Organization: (Similar guidelines exist from US and European health bodies)

[5] Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists:

[6] Bureau of Meteorology